Arriving in Savannah always has us giddy because our first stop is Mrs. Wilkes' Dining Room on Jones Street. This has to be one of my favorite places to eat in Savannah. Famous fried chicken plus more sides than you can keep up with are served family style at a table where you sit with new people every time. Always try to dress with loose fitting clothes because after this feast you are going to need the extra room. Side note: while you're waiting in line at Mrs. Wilkes' be sure to check out the cute boutique on the corner: One Fish, Two Fish. We always walk out with some unique local finds. Beautiful Jones Street Joey's food baby This year we got to Savannah earlier than usual so this gave us time to shop on Broughton, all your name brand, plus a few local places and you will be walking away with a few armfuls. Also on Broughton is World of Beer. They have a great selection of local and unique brews from around the world. I just love this mural they have paint...
Three best friends traveling to eat, drink and see the world.